Individual users

A personal subscriber is defined as a single-user account holder accessing the system via an email address and password, and searching via their personal computer. For individual purposes only.

Publications range from the early XXth century (such as Ruedo Iberico, Hora de España,o Generación Consciente) all through the XXth century until the most recent releases of publishers such as Silex, Trotta or Bibloteca Nueva!

Your annual individual subscription provides access to some of the collections of the Digitalia collections. Search for your topic across everything at once, or just search within the specific publications or dates that interest you. You can also browse issues of a particular title.

1. What is an annual personal subscription?
Individuals may elect to subscribe to Digitalia collections on an annual basis. Annual subscriptions provide access to all of the complete collections of databases. A personal subscriber is defined as a single-user account holder accessing the system via an email address and password, and searching via their personal computer from home.

2. When does my subscription start? Is my subscription period based on calendar year or when I subscribe?
Your subscription starts on the day of your purchase, and it runs for the next 12 consecutive months. Your subscription will renew each year on the same date that you first subscribed.

3. Can I subscribe to individual collections from the database?
Yes, absolutely, you can subscribe individual titles, collections, publishing houses or journals.

4. How do I obtain a personal subscription?
Go to the Personal Subscriptions Sign-Up page and complete the online form. You may also contact us as follows:

5. Can an institution or organization just purchase a personal subscription?
No. A personal subscriber is defined as a single-user account holder accessing the system via an email address and password, and searching via their personal computer from home. If a personal subscription is being accessed from a large number of different IP addresses or locations, you will be contacted and your personal subscription may be terminated.


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